
(css) 그라데이션 gradation 본문


(css) 그라데이션 gradation

SharingWorld 2018. 5. 27. 09:27
.grad {

background : blue; /* 그라데이션을 지원하지 않는 브라우저용*/
background : -webkit-linear-gradient(left top, blue, white);
background : -moz-linear-gradient(right bottom, blue, white);
background : -o-linear-gradient(right bottom, blue, white);
background : linear-gradient(to right bottom, blue, white); /*표준 구문*/


linear-gradient( <각도> to <방향>, color-step, [color-stop,..]);

방향 키워드

속성 값 


 to top

아래에서 시작해 위로 그라데이션이 만들어짐 

 to left

오른쪽에서 시작해 왼

 to right

왼쪽에서 시작해 오른쪽으로 

 to bottom

위에서 시작해 아래로 

* 각 브라우저마다 차이가 있을 수 있음.

<각도 조정>

.grad {

background : #ff0000; /*css 미지원 브라우저*/
background : -webkit-linear-gradient(45deg, #ff0000, #ffffff); /*초기 모던 브라우저*/
background : -moz-linear-gradient(45deg, #ff0000, #ffffff); /*초기 모던 브라우저*/
background : -o-linear-gradient(45deg, #ff0000, #ffffff); /*초기 모던 브라우저*/
background : linear-gradient(45deg, #ff0000, #ffffff); /* 최신 모던 브라우저 */


<div class="grad"></div>

<색상 중지 점(color-step)>

div {
.grad {
background: #06f; /* css3 미지원 브라우저 */
background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #06f, white 30%, #06f); /* 초기 모던 브라우저 */
background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(bottom, #06f, white 30%, #06f); /* 초기 모던 브라우저 */
background: -o-linear-gradient(bottom, #06f, white 30%, #06f); /* 초기 모던 브라우저 */
background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #06f, white 30%, #06f); /* 최신 모던 브라우저 */


<div class="grad"></div>

원형 그라데이션

radial-gradient( <최종 모양> <크기> at <위치>, color-step, [color-stop...])

div {
background:-webkit-radial-gradient(white, yellow, red);
background:-moz-radial-gradient(white, yellow, red);
background:-o-radial-gradient(white, yellow, red);
background:radial-gradient(white, yellow, red);
background:-webkit-radial-gradient(circle, white, yellow, red);
background:-moz-radial-gradient(circle, white, yellow, red);
background:-o-radial-gradient(circle, white, yellow, red);
background:radial-gradient(circle, white, yellow, red);
<div class="grad1"></div>
<div class="grad2"></div>

원형 그라데이션 위치 조정

.grad {
background: blue;
background: -webkit-radial-gradient(10% 10%, circle, white,blue);
background: -moz-radial-gradient(10% 10%, circle,white,blue);
background: -o-radial-gradient(10% 10%, circle, white,blue);
background: radial-gradient(circle at 10% 10%,white,blue);

원형 그라데이션 크기 조정

background:-webkit-radial-gradient(30% 40%, circle closest-side, white, yellow, green);
background:-moz-radial-gradient(30% 40%, circle closest-side, white, yellow, green);
background:-o-radial-gradient(30% 40%, circle closest-side, white, yellow, green);
background:radial-gradient(circle closest-side at 30% 40%, white, yellow, green);
background:-webkit-radial-gradient(30% 40%, circle closest-corner, white, yellow, green);
background:-moz-radial-gradient(30% 40%, circle closest-corner, white, yellow, green);
background:-o-radial-gradient(30% 40%, circle closest-corner, white, yellow, green);
background:radial-gradient(circle closest-corner at 30% 40%, white, yellow, green);
background:-webkit-radial-gradient(30% 40%, circle farthest-side, white, yellow, green);
background:-moz-radial-gradient(30% 40%, circle farthest-side, white, yellow, green);
background:-o-radial-gradient(30% 40%, circle farthest-side, white, yellow, green);
background:radial-gradient(circle farthest-side at 30% 40%, white, yellow, green);
background:-webkit-radial-gradient(30% 40%, circle farthest-corner, white, yellow, green);
background:-moz-radial-gradient(30% 40%, circle farthest-corner, white, yellow, green);
background:-o-radial-gradient(30% 40%, circle farthest-corner, white, yellow, green);
background:radial-gradient(circle v-corner at 30% 40%, white, yellow, green);

원형 그라데이션의 색상 중지 점(color-stop)

div {
background:-webkit-radial-gradient(red, yellow, skyblue);
background:-moz-radial-gradient(red, yellow, skyblue);
background:-o-radial-gradient(red, yellow, skyblue);
background:radial-gradient(red, yellow,skyblue);
background:-webkit-radial-gradient(red, yellow 20%, skyblue);
background:-moz-radial-gradient(red, yellow 20%, skyblue);
background:-o-radial-gradient(red, yellow 20%, skyblue);
background:radial-gradient(red, yellow 20%, skyblue);
<div class="grad1"></div>
<div class="grad2"></div>

그라데이션 반복

.grad1 {
background: red; /* css3 미지원 브라우저 */
background: -webkit-repeating-linear-gradient(yellow, red 20px); /* 초기 모던 브라우저 */
background: -moz-repeating-linear-gradient(yellow, red 20px); /* 초기 모던 브라우저 */
background: -o-repeating-linear-gradient(yellow, red 20px); /* 초기 모던 브라우저 */
background: repeating-linear-gradient(yellow, red 20px); /* 최신 모던 브라우저 */

그라데이션 반복을 통한 '두개 이상의 색상 패턴만들기(그라데이션이 아님)

.grad2 {
background: red; /* css3 미지원 브라우저 */
background: -webkit-repeating-linear-gradient(yellow, yellow 20px, red 20px, red 40px); /* 초기 모던 브라우저 */
background: -moz-repeating-linear-gradient(yellow, yellow 20px, red 20px, red 40px); /* 초기 모던 브라우저 */
background: -o-repeating-linear-gradient(yellow, yellow 20px, red 20px, red 40px); /* 초기 모던 브라우저 */
background: repeating-linear-gradient(yellow, yellow 20px, red 20px, red 40px); /* 최신 모던 브라우저 */

출처 - Doit! HTML5 + CSS3 웹 표준의 정석

'WEB(웹)' 카테고리의 다른 글

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